[Wear paulownia leave]A leaf falls and the autumn is safe [贴秋膘]冬去春来身体好 [Stick autumn fat]Keep healthy from spring to autumn [晒秋]又是一年丰收季 [Drying crops]It's another harvest season [驱百疾]今日立秋,百病皆休 [Expel all diseases]In S...
成人世界的"大圣"孙悟空:What are you 弄啥咧? 1905电影网独家专稿金箍棒、筋斗云、火眼金睛;凤翅紫金冠、锁子黄金甲、藕丝步云履——光芒万丈、快意恩仇的孙悟空自古以来就是我们的全...
There! Never mind, you'll soon feel better. 好啦,好啦,不要紧,你马上会好的。 2. There, there, you said too much. 得啦,得啦,你说的太多了。 3.There, I've filled it up again...
更多内容请点击:你知道立秋习俗有哪些吗?(Do you know what are the customs of...